What does Yoga mean to you?

In the beginning, most of us start out for health reasons, to be more flexible, reduce stress or improve our overall fitness and well-being. After a while, you discover that your reasons change and yoga becomes more of a journey of self-actualization, growth and a deeper sense of fulfillment. It’s like dropping anchor and just being in that joyful state for a while. In today’s world it’s important to find a sense of balance among the many distractions and that is why many turn to yoga.

We are aware that you place a lot of trust in your yoga mat to perform so that you can perfectly execute that asana you’ve been working on for the last week. The last thing you want is for it to slip out from under you. That’s why YOGANCHOR mats are crafted using premium natural materials like rubber that offer unrivalled grip and cushioning. In addition, we natural colors from the environment which encourage a more harmonious setting in which to practice yoga and help you stay grounded. Namaste!